Segnalo questo convegno sull'auto-organizzazione: dal 10 al 12 dicembre 2008, a Vienna, il terzo International Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems (IWSOS).
Principali argomenti di quest'anno (dal sito):
Self-organization and self-management
Self-configuration and self-optimization
Self-protection, -diagnosis, and -healing
Autonomic networking principles and practice
Control theory based models and approaches of self-organization
Feedback control in networked systems
Group-forming networks and techniques
Programmable and cognitive networks for self-organization
Visualization of network system state
Inspiring models of self-organization in nature and society (e.g., bio-inspired or based on game theory)
Risks in self-organization and risk management techniques
The (un-)controllability of self-organizing or emergent systems
Quality of Service / service level agreements and self-organization
Resilience, robustness and fault tolerance for networked systems
Security in self-organizing networked systems
Self-* sensor and ad-hoc networks
Self-* techniques in peer-to-peer networks
Self-organization of over- and underlays and in cross-layering
Self-* networks and networked systems for ubiquitous computing
Self-organization in heterogeneous network convergence
Evolutionary principles of the (future, emerging) Internet
Self-configuring place-and-play mobile networks
Self-organizing vehicular adhoc networks
Self-organizing multi-service networks and multi-network services
Methods for configuration and management of large, complex networks
Applications, e.g. the self-organizing home network
The human in the loop of self-organizing networks
3 commenti:
Grazie Luca! quasi quasi provo a mandare un contributo per un poster, visto che purtroppo la scadenza per i papers è già scaduta! ;-)
fammi sapere come ti va.. e se ci vai mi aspetto un report da pubblicare qui :)
a presto
Sicuramente! incrociamo le dita! a presto!
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